Sunday, May 11, 2008


Still over two weeks without any "real" posts. I apologize.

Since then I've had a few "revelations" and have decided to document them in a word-document, if I am ever to get a "proper" assessment (in addition to my own self-understanding and the "confirmation" I had back in February, by a professional). The only problem so far is that I tend to remember things right before I fall asleep. That is my main time for pondering. Most of the time I have trouble sleeping, although not due to worrying. So, I ponder. And I always think to myself that I will remember and write it down on the Mac in the morning. I never do. I guess this is why it's recommended to keep a notebook with you - so that you can jot it down right there and then.

Has anyone else done this sort of thing? Has it been useful during the assessment process?

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